Genuine Affection for Culinary Classics

Allow me to share with you an old family recipe that dates back to the birth of my microwave oven. It's a rustic old-world sausage sandwich that I'm absolutely passionate about.

Kathy Wakile Inspired Old World Sausage Sandwich

Rustic Old-World Sausage Sandwich inspired by Kathy Wakile


Sliced white bread


1. Place wiener in microwave.

2. Heat wiener on high for 1 minute. Expect it to expand and shrivel simultaneously. You'll know the wiener is ready when you gag a little while pondering it's resemblance to a small , misshapen and very unfortunate penis.

3. Place each wiener on a slice of bread.

4. Squeeze ketchup over wieners.

5. Prepare to accept the praise and gratitude of your dinner guests. Don't blush. You've earned it!

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